Can You Whiten Teeth with Braces?

As frustrating as it may be, in-office whitening is not recommended for people who currently have traditional braces with fixed brackets. The brackets are bonded to your teeth, making it impossible for your dentist in Arcadia to uniformly apply their whitening solution. Attempting to do a whitening treatment with fixed braces would likely result in visibly marked teeth when your braces are finally removed.

Can You Whiten Teeth with Braces?

Being able to see where your brackets were is far from ideal. So it’s best to schedule your in-office whitening for a time after your braces are removed. If you’re lucky, you may be able to schedule your teeth whitening in Arcadia for the very same day. In other good news, some types of braces will allow you to have your teeth whitened whenever you like.

Other Kinds of Braces

When you think of braces, you’re probably thinking of a mouth full of metal. While traditional braces are still commonly used, they’re far from being the only option available to you. Today, two other types of braces are commonly used. Both of these options will allow you to have a professional whitening treatment whenever you wish.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are very similar to traditional braces with one major difference. With lingual braces, the brackets are fixed to the back of your teeth.

This option offers the speed and control of traditional braces without the outward appearance of them. The only real downside is increased cost and increased discomfort. However, if you’re willing to push through the initial irritation, lingual braces can be a great option.

Thanks to the fact that lingual braces are fixed to the back of your teeth, there’s absolutely no reason that you can’t have a full in-office whitening treatment.


You may be more familiar with Invisalign and other similar products. These braces are a category all their own. They consist of a series of removable trays that fit over your teeth. Each set of trays shifts your teeth slightly with the goal of eventually giving you the perfect smile.

The only downside of Invisalign is that you can take them out. And you might do that more than you should. For the trays to work properly, you have to wear your Invisalign for 22-23 hours out of every day. Taking a break here and there to rest your jaw could ultimately set you back weeks or even months.

On the upside, they are fully removable. You can enjoy all of your favorite foods without worrying about them getting caught or breaking a bracket. It also means that you can have in-office teeth whitening whenever you like. Just make sure you put your trays back once your dentist gives the all clear.

Choosing Professional Teeth Whitening

There are countless products on the market that claim to help you whiten your teeth at home. Unfortunately, none of them are capable of matching up to the instant, quality results you can expect with your local cosmetic dentist.

There are two reasons for this discrepancy.

Your dentist has the expertise to safely use products that are 10x stronger than those sold in stores.
Your dentist can apply their teeth whitening solution with purpose to make sure you get even, beautiful results every time.

Essentially, it is very possible you could end up spending more on drug store products that barely work. And you still might not have decent results. Do you want to learn more about in-office teeth whitening? What about the benefits of enlisting the help of a professional? Then talk to your dentist in Arcadia today.

Can You Get Dental Bonding Whitened?

The normal teeth whitening process involves penetrating the tooth enamel to break down pigment molecules. Because dental enamel is naturally porous, this process allows the bleaching agent to remove discoloration from the teeth. But does the same process work for those who have had cosmetic dentistry work? For example, can you get dental bonding whitened?

Can You Get Dental Bonding Whitened?

Since the whitening process is so specific, it can be difficult to say whether or not dental bonding can be whitened with the same bleaching agent as your natural teeth. In most cases, you can’t whiten your dental bonding the same way. Here’s what your local cosmetic dentist in Arcadia wants you to know about the benefits and limitations of dental bonding and tooth whitening.

Why Can’t You Whiten Dental Bonding

Dental bonding uses a resin that is not the same as natural enamel. You may notice a rapid increase in the brightness of your unbonded teeth if you use a regular whitening treatment. Your bonded teeth will probably remain the same color as your unbonded ones, which can lead to a mismatched smile.

Before you try any type of whitening, it is a good idea to consult your dentist. A professional whitening procedure may be recommended by your dentist as it can provide more dramatic results than any over-the-counter product. Your dentist can also assess your teeth’s health to determine if you are safe to undergo cosmetic treatments. Your dentist can arrange for you to have your desired shade of teeth restored or veneered. Below, we’ll talk about some of the ways you can whiten dental bonding and how to start doing it today!

Teeth Bonding Whitening Options

A mismatched smile is considered undesirable. You will need to take extra steps to ensure that all your visible teeth are the same shade. There are a few main ways you can whiten your bonded teeth:

  • Removing the bonding is possible. You can ask your cosmetic dentist for the removal of any bonded teeth after you have whitened your natural teeth. They can then re-bond your tooth using a resin that matches your whitened teeth.
  • Consider a veneer. After whitening, your dentist might recommend that the old resin be removed and replaced with a veneer. Veneers can be used to replace bonding and are more permanent than bonding. They are made from porcelain that is impervious to stains. Although the process of placing one takes a few appointments, many patients feel that it is worth the effort and time.
  • Purchase a dental bonding toothpaste. Popular toothpaste brands such as Colgate and Crest offer whitening pastes that are made specifically for those whose teeth have been fixed using dental bonding.

Although bonding material doesn’t respond to whitening materials as teeth do, there are simple solutions. To ensure the composite matches the color of your teeth, replace the bonding material immediately or within two weeks. It is simple to place composite on your teeth. The procedure is painless, non-invasive, and takes only one office visit to complete.

Find Your Perfect Teeth Whitening Solution Today

Whether you are worried about matching discoloration on your dental bonding, or you just want to make sure that all parts of your teeth look the same, our pros at Smiles of Arcadia offer the best in-office whitening treatments for teeth of all types. Find out the best way to replace and restore dental bonding and see what other options you have for taking care of dental bonding near Pasadena. When you contact us today for a personal consultation, we will be able to help you get the treatment you need in a single office visit. Don’t waste any more time – get in touch with us ASAP!

Benefits of Whiter Teeth

Having a whiter smile can lead to major benefits as you are more likely to smile more often and attract good energy. White teeth are often associated with many positive benefits, but it’s not always easy to achieve. Having a good oral hygiene routine, in addition to visiting the dentist regularly, can help. However, most often people opt for teeth whitening treatment to achieve their brightest smile. Below are some of the benefits of whiter teeth and why you should invest in a professional whitening treatment.

Benefits of Whiter Teeth

Whiter teeth have a variety of benefits, from increased self-esteem to more career opportunities. Consider the following benefits of whiter teeth and consider a whitening treatment at your next dental visit.

Increase in Self-Confidence:

Whiter teeth often correlate to a brighter smile. This is because it evokes confidence and people with whiter teeth don’t have any insecurities about the look of their smile. The increase in confidence in your smile can lead to improvements in your overall confidence.

Young and Fresh Look:

Due to natural aging, diet, and certain lifestyle factors, your teeth can become stained and discolored. This can cause your teeth to look yellow and aged. Teeth whitening treatments can address this issue and help turn back the clock on your smile. This is because a whiter smile is often associated with youthfulness.

A Sign of Good Oral Health:

While having whiter teeth doesn’t always mean your oral health is perfect, it is often the case that people with whiter smiles have good oral health. People who take care of their oral health by maintaining a consistent oral care routine and attending regular dental checkups often have whiter teeth. This is because they are well-versed in habits that promote healthy teeth, such as eating healthy and staying in communication with their dentist about how to take care of their teeth and gums.

Perceived Positively:

People with whiter teeth smile more often and have high confidence levels. As such, people perceive them as friendly. Most cultures consider smiling as a positive human connection. Those who keep their head and eyes down may not be seen negatively, but someone who holds their head high and smiles is often perceived much more positively.

Career Benefits:

Research has shown that Americans perceive people with a healthy smile to be smarter and more successful. This can be a major benefit if you are in an interview, networking event, or even in your own workplace. Those who are perceived as smarter and more successful are afforded more opportunities, including advancements in their career and salary.

Teeth Whitening Treatment

Teeth whitening in Arcadia is an effective treatment for addressing stained and discolored teeth. Many people experiment with over-the-counter whitening treatments, but professional teeth whitening is much faster and more cost-effective. It’s important to talk with your dentist about teeth whitening treatments as they can advise you on which one is right for you due to the variety of options. Your teeth may simply be stained or have some discoloration. Or you may have some underlying dental issue that needs treatment. This is why it’s important to consistently visit the dentist for your six-month checkups so they can closely monitor your oral health. Scheduling a consultation proves a great first step for those interested in professional teeth whitening treatment.

Cosmetic Dentist in Arcadia

If you are unhappy with the color of your teeth, contact the dentists at Premier Dental Aesthetics. They have trained in a variety of dental treatments, including cosmetic, family, restorative, and general dentistry. Contact the top cosmetic dentist in Arcadia today for an appointment!

Does Whitening Toothpaste Do Anything?

If your smile is looking a little yellow or discolored, there are a variety of dental treatment options that can perfect your smile. Between cosmetic dental treatments to over-the-counter products, you may wonder where to start. If you feel overwhelmed at where to start with how to get your teeth whiter, you are not alone. Having a white smile is not only aesthetically beautiful. But it can also boost your confidence. Below you will find more information on how to get your smile white, and whether over-the-counter products like whitening toothpaste actually does anything. So, does whitening toothpaste do anything?

Over-the-Counter Whitening Treatment

You will likely find a good chunk of over-the-counter whitening products that will make claims that they can whiten your teeth. This is partially true as things such as whitening toothpaste can help slightly reduce the impact of surface stains. They often can help remove surface stains caused by drinking coffee or smoking, but they will not change the natural color of your teeth. Whitening toothpaste also cannot address stains that go beyond the surface of your teeth. If you don’t have naturally white teeth, you’ll need more than over-the-counter treatment options to get a whiter smile. Depending on your aesthetic goals, professional cosmetic dental treatments can help whiten your smile much more effectively.

Cosmetic Dental Treatments

If you are considering perfecting your smile, there are a variety of treatment options depending on your needs. Cosmetic dentistry in Arcadia can help you feel much more confident about your smile. Below you will find the most common cosmetic dental treatments.

Teeth Whitening Treatment:

If you are just unhappy with the color of your natural teeth, teeth whitening is a great option. Unlike over-the-counter treatment options, teeth bleaching can reach the deeper layers of your teeth. Depending on how stained your teeth are, you may need to get multiple treatments to get to the color you want. So long as you have a consistent oral hygiene routine, your results can last and will only require periodic follow-up whitening treatments.


If you don’t like the color of your natural teeth and also want to change the shape, size, or length of your teeth, dental veneers are a great option. Veneers are custom-made, thin, tooth-colored shells that go over your natural teeth. They can address a variety of issues in addition to whitening your teeth, including crooked, damaged, chipped, or even gaps in your teeth. The veneers can be customized exactly how you’d like them in terms of both color and shape. Unlike teeth whitening, veneers are a permanent option to perfect your smile. Caring for your veneers is similar to your natural teeth. So you won’t need to drastically change your daily oral care routine.

Tips for Keeping Your Teeth White

If you have gotten a teeth whitening treatment, veneers, or any other cosmetic dentistry treatment, it’s important to take steps to maintain your results. You should follow the directions of your dentist as they are aware of your unique dental needs. However, it’s important to maintain a healthy oral care routine. This means you’ll need to brush at least twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush for two minutes and floss at least once a day. You should also use mouthwash after you eat when you cannot brush your teeth. In addition to brushing, stay away from foods that can cause stains, such as coffee, tea, sugar, and processed foods.

Premier Dentist in Arcadia

If your teeth are discolored and you are interested in teeth whitening options, contact Premier Dental Esthetics. Their dentists can provide you with the best care possible and ensure you get the right treatments for your unique dental needs, including teeth whitening and other cosmetic dentistry treatments. Contact the premier dentist in Arcadia today to make an appointment!

Are Stained Teeth Unhealthy?

Having a white smile is something everyone wants. It portrays an image of confidence and good oral health. On the other hand, stained teeth that are yellow or darkened are often seen as the opposite. But are stained teeth unhealthy?

Really, stained teeth are not always an indication of poor oral health. The opposite is true as well, as white teeth are not always an indication of good oral hygiene. Below you will find more information on what causes teeth stains, what it means about your oral health, and how you can keep your teeth white.

Are Stained Teeth Unhealthy?

You may watch television or see celebrities on social media with the whitest teeth. Teeth are not naturally perfectly white and most of what you see is due to a combination of cosmetic treatments and filters. With that, most people have stains, and there are two types of teeth stains. The first type is extrinsic stains, which are on the outer surface of your teeth. The second type is intrinsic stains, and these are caused by changes in the inner layers of your teeth.

Causes of Stained Teeth

The two types of stained teeth discussed above have very different causes. Intrinsic stains are often caused by excessive fluoride use. This is much rarer as compared to extrinsic stains. Extrinsic stains, or those stains on the outside of your teeth, are most often caused by things that we do. Below are the most common causes of extrinsic stains.

Foods and Drinks:

Tea, coffee, soda, and dark juices can all stain your teeth. In addition, sugary foods like cookies, candy, and highly processed foods can also stain your teeth. So, stay away from highly processed foods and beverages that are high in sugar to keep your teeth white.

Oral Hygiene:

Poor oral hygiene can lead to your teeth looking more yellow. Focus on brushing at least twice with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Floss at least once a day and use mouthwash after you eat or drink when you cannot brush.

Smoking or Chewing:

Nicotine can stain your teeth quickly and cause your teeth to deteriorate much faster. Smoking and chewing are both bad for your teeth, so focusing on quitting or at least reducing your current amount of use can be helpful for your dental and overall health.


Your family history does play a part in the color of your teeth, in addition to the health of your teeth. Talk with your dentist about your family’s dental history so they can provide prevention tips unique to your oral health.

Natural Aging:

Just like the rest of your body, the effects of natural aging can impact the color of your teeth. As we age, our teeth can become more and more colored due the normal wear and tear. Talk with your dentist about whitening treatments to see if they are right for you.

Prevention Measures

In order to keep your teeth white and healthy, it’s important to focus on your oral hygiene. As mentioned, keeping your teeth clean involves brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash daily. However, it’s also important to go to your regular six months checkups as the dentist will be able to adequately monitor your oral health. Your checkup will include a teeth cleaning Arcadia, which can also help with any issues with discoloration. However, if your teeth are severely discolored, talk to your dentist about whitening treatments.

Dentist Arcadia

If you have yellow teeth and are interested in a cleaning or whitening treatment, contact Premier Dental Esthetics. Their dentists can provide you with the best care possible and ensure you get the right treatments for your unique dental needs. Contact dentist Arcadia and make an appointment today!

Tooth Discoloration Causes

As you age, you will notice that your teeth become less white and may appear more stained. This is completely natural. However, some habits may cause your teeth to appear more stained than normal. Below you will find the most common tooth discoloration causes and how you can address the look of stained teeth.

Tooth Discoloration Causes

There are three reasons your teeth may be discolored, including extrinsic, intrinsic, and age-related causes. Extrinsic discoloration is caused by things that come into contact with your teeth. This could be things like smoking or what you eat or drink. Intrinsic discoloration is caused by something inside your body. This could be your medication or even a medical condition. Lastly, age-related discoloration is natural and happens as time passes. Below you will find the most common causes of tooth discoloration.


What you eat and drink can have a major impact on the color of your teeth. Things like coffee, tea, soda, wine, sugary foods like candy, pastries, and suckers can all cause discoloration and stain your teeth. The sugar mixes with harmful bacteria in your mouth and can damage your enamel.

Dental Hygiene:

If you aren’t taking proper care of your teeth, they will definitely become stained. At a minimum, you should be brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and using mouthwash after you eat if you cannot brush right away. A healthy oral care routine can keep your smile bright and your mouth healthy.


Things like chewing tobacco and smoking cigarettes will inevitably lead to tooth discoloration among other harmful things. Quitting is your best option due to the harmful effects of nicotine.

Genetics and Aging:

As you age your teeth become discolored because the outer layer of your tooth eventually wears away. The outer layer is referred to as the enamel and weakens as you get older. Family history also plays a part in the color of your teeth. If your family has white teeth, you may get lucky! However, take proper care of your teeth anyway to ensure that your teeth stay white and you have a healthy mouth.

Medical Conditions:

Some medical conditions can cause issues with your enamel and the second layer of your teeth (often referred to as “dentin”). Issues with both your enamel and dentin can cause your teeth to look discolored. Talk with your doctor and consult with a dentist if you notice the issue persisting.

Teeth Whitening Treatment Options

Once you have stained teeth, it’s really difficult to reverse the discoloration without a dentist’s intervention. Teeth whitening treatment can greatly improve the look of your teeth and completely brighten your smile. There are major benefits to teeth whitening Arcadia, including a more youthful appearance, a more attractive smile, and it can even increase your self-confidence. Whitening treatments can be done in the office and there is no downtime. You’ll see results immediately, and continued treatments can keep your smile looking bright. With a healthy oral hygiene routine and lifestyle your treatment can last up to one year. Before getting treatment, you’ll need to have a consultation with a dentist to ensure you are a good candidate.

Best Cosmetic Dentist Arcadia

If your teeth have become discolored (regardless of the tooth discoloration causes) and you want to get rid of the stains, contact Premier Dental Esthetics. Their dentists can provide you with the best care possible and ensure you get the right treatments for your unique dental needs. They are skilled in teeth whitening treatments and have helped numerous patients achieve their desired aesthetic. Contact their office and make an appointment today!

Why Are My Kids’ Teeth Yellow?

A large part of parenting is a constant concern about your child’s health and well-being. Concerns likely include whether your child has taken their vitamins, eaten enough nutritious foods, or brushed their teeth before they went to school. While you can’t monitor everything with pure perfection, it is important to take stock of your child’s health and well-being consistently. This is especially true for their dental health as dental health impacts one’s overall health. One of the more common issues among kids is yellow teeth. But why are your kids’ teeth yellow?

This may make you assume that they don’t brush their teeth well or give you some serious cause for concern. However, yellow teeth in children can be caused by various things, so keeping yourself informed and staying in communication with a pediatric dentist is important. Below you will find the reasons your child’s teeth may be yellow and what you can do about it.

Why Are My Kids’ Teeth Yellow?

We have put together the top reasons why your kids’ teeth are yellow. The good news is that most causes are easy to take care of. To find the cause, visit the best kids dentist Arcadia has to offer at Premier Dental Esthetics.

Plaque Buildup:

Plaque and tartar buildup is often caused by poor oral hygiene. Your child should be brushing at least twice a day for two minutes (each time) and floss each day. If your child brushes and flosses regularly and still have yellow teeth, they may be doing it wrong. Work with your child on proper flossing and brushing techniques. However, if their teeth are yellow already contact a pediatric dentist. They will be able to clean and get rid of any tartar or plaque so your child can have a fresh start working on brushing and flossing effectively. Discuss how often your child should be visiting the dentist’s office with a pediatric dentist.

Permanent Teeth:

If your child’s baby teeth are falling out and their permanent teeth are erupting, you may notice that they are more of a yellow color. Permanent teeth have more dentin (the second layer of defense on your teeth—right below the enamel) and it is more yellow compared to baby teeth, which are more of a creamy white color. There is no need to be concerned if your child has been attending their regular dental visits. If you are concerned, contact a pediatric dentist to see if it’s worth a visit to the dentist’s office.


As with all health issues, family history is a huge factor. Certain people may have weaker enamel as compared to others. Your enamel is the first layer of defense on your teeth, as it is the outermost layer. Your enamel is what gives your teeth their white color as the underlying dentin is more yellow. A thick enamel will allow the yellow color from the dentin to come through more visibly. Talk with a pediatric dentist about what steps to take to ensure your child’s thin enamel is protected.


While this is likely not the issue as it is rare, it still is possible. Certain antibiotics can bind to your child’s teeth if they are taken under the age of 8 or while you are pregnant. The antibiotic that causes this most frequently is tetracycline, which is usually not prescribed to pregnant women or children. However, in some cases it is necessary. If you took this during your pregnancy or if your child was prescribed it, talk with a pediatric dentist to see if this is the actual cause of your child’s yellow teeth.

When your child’s first tooth erupts (or when they turn one if no teeth have erupted), set up a dentist appointment with a pediatric dentist. Most pediatric dentists recommend that your child attend their regular dental appointments at least every six months. This is in addition to having a healthy oral care routine implemented daily.

Best Dentist Arcadia

If you are concerned about your child’s yellow teeth or you need a pediatric dentist, contact Premier Dental Esthetics. Their dentists can provide you with the best care possible and ensure your child gets the right treatments for their unique dental needs. Contact their office and make an appointment today!