Are Receding Gums Permanent?

Receding gums are caused by a number of factors, including aging, brushing too hard, poor dental hygiene, or genetics. When the gums recede, they pull away from the tooth leaving the root area exposed and at risk. This space is also problematic as it leaves room for plaque to collect. Plaque is the sticky bacteria that collects and causes issues within one’s mouth, including more gum recession and bone or tooth loss. Unfortunately, gum tissue does not grow back. This is because the tissue one’s gums are made up of does not regenerate in the way other tissue in the body can. Is there such a thing as receding gums treatment?

As scary as receding gums may sound it’s actually a common dental problem. Oftentimes most people don’t even notice their gums are receding because it’s such a slow and gradual process. The warning signs of gum recession are tooth sensitivity or one’s teeth looking longer than normal. Also, if you can feel a notch near the gum line, your gums may be receding.

Receding Gums Treatment Options

While the gums may not regenerate or grow back, there are steps that can be taken and procedures that slow down the process. First and foremost, it is important to make an appointment with your dentist in Arcadia to understand the status of your gum recession. Dr. Young will assess the impact thus far and determine the next steps for receding gums treatment.

We often start with a deep clean to remove the bacteria and plaque from the space between the tooth and gums. This deep cleaning is known as scaling and root planing. During the procedure, Dr. Young will scrape away the tartar from your teeth and under your gum line with a scraper tool and an ultrasonic devise the vibrates and loosens the plaque. The receding gums treatment process is minimally invasive and virtually painless. In addition to this procedure, Dr. Young will advise you on how to maintain the results of the procedure. This usually involves brushing your teeth gently twice a day using a soft brush, flossing daily, and regular dental cleanings every six months.

Extreme Cases

In some cases, your dentist may suggest surgery. Sometimes the bacteria underneath the gum may be hard to reach which will warrant the need for a more invasive approach. There are various types of procedures, including flap surgery, gum graft, and bonding. Flap surgery involves the oral surgeon making a small cut into your gum tissue to lift and remove any plaque they were unable to reach with the deep clean. The gum is then secured, and the goal of the procedure is to prevent eventual bone loss.

A gum graft is where an oral surgeon takes tissue from another part of your mouth and places it around the receding area. The goal of this procedure is to reduce the appearance of receding gums in addition to protecting one’s teeth from future tooth or bone damage. Bonding involves placing resin over the roots of the affected teeth. This reduces the appearance of receding gums and protects the sensitive roots. These procedures are invasive and can be painful.

Receding Gums Treatment in Arcadia

As mentioned above, there are options for treating receding gums. The problem with those options is the pain and invasiveness that comes with them. One of the more modern approaches to gum recession that is less painful and highly effective is gum lifting in Arcadia. This procedure is less invasive, less painful, and the results are noticeable much faster than alternative treatments. The procedure is only one hour and the recovery time is fast. You can even go back to work the same day!

If you think you may need receding gums treatment, Premier Dental Esthetics specializes in this exact condition. Our staff provides a variety of services including veneers, dental crowns, dentures, cosmetic dentistry, and regular cleanings. Our goal is to get you to love your smile, increase your confidence, and benefit your overall quality of life. Remember that gum rescission is not something to ignore. If you feel like your gums are receding or you just need a dental checkup, contact Premier Dental Esthetics!

Both Smoking And Vaping Put Your Smile At Risk | Oral Health in Arcadia

oral health risks of e-cigarettes Arcadia Oral Health in Arcadia

A recent study on the influences of e-cigarettes on oral health has more troubling information for people who believe vaping is safer than smoking traditional cigarettes. In a study published in the journal Oncotarget, researchers concluded that e-cigarettes may cause chronic inflammation and irreversible cellular deterioration. These conditions, in turn, can result in gingivitis, oral cancer, and tooth loss.

Why is this article appearing on a pediatric dental blog? Unfortunately, many adolescents in the Pasadena area have taken up vaping. It has become an issue for dentists who provide dental care for adolescents. As defined by the FDA, “E-cigarettes are devices that allow users to inhale an aerosol containing nicotine or other substances.”

Before e-cigarettes emerged on the scene in 2005, the number of men and women who smoked traditional cigarettes had remained fairly steady. The unanticipated rise in popularity of e-cigarettes, however, has generated a widespread health risk, especially for the nation’s teenagers. “Between 2011 and 2015, the U.S. Surgeon General found e-cigarette use among high school students increased by 900 percent, with more teens now using e-cigarettes than cigarettes.”

At Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS, we care about our patients physical and oral health in Arcadia. Our experienced team treats patients suffering from smoking-related oral health conditions with expertise and compassion. We also attempt to offer accurate information about public health issues and oral health in Arcadia. We add our voice to the healthcare professionals who are working to inform the public about the dangers of e-cigarettes and clear up the misconception that they are somehow less dangerous than traditional cigarettes. If you have questions about oral health in Arcadia or some of our services, feel free to give us a call. We offer treatments such as cosmetic dentistry, emergency dental care, and dental implants.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California

Can My Dentist Help Stop My Snoring? | Sleep Apnea in Arcadia

snoring dental sleep apnea in Arcadia

Partner can’t sleep because you snore? Is it finally time to put an end to it? Snoring sounds can develop when the tissue in the back of the throat collapses onto the soft palate. This constricts the air flow. As you breathe, this area opens and closes—with a noisy result. Your nightly symphony may be a result of sleep apnea in Arcadia. With Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), the air passageway not only narrows, you actually stop breathing. These pauses can last for up to a minute and recur hundreds of time each night.

Many people with sleep apnea snore, but not all snorers have sleep apnea in Arcadia. Regular snoring does not generally wake you up during the night. Though it probably wakes up your bed partner.

Is My Snoring a Symptom of Sleep Apnea?

  • Do you wake up several times during the night gasping?
  • Are you excessively tired during the day?
  • Do you wake up with a headache?
  • Do you nod off during the day because you are sleepy?
  • Are your mouth and throat noticeably dry when you wake up?

Snoring is more than a pesky annoyance. It has significant health consequences. And sleep apnea is even more dangerous because it completely cuts off the oxygen flow. There are three types of sleep apnea:

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea: This is the most prevalent type. It is caused by throat muscles relaxing and blocking the airway.
  • Central Sleep Apnea: The cause of the breathing cessation arises in the central nervous system. The brain fails to control the breathing muscles.
  • Complex Sleep Apnea Syndrome (Treatment-emergent Central Sleep Apnea): This condition is present when a person has both obstructive sleep apnea and central sleep apnea.

Can My Dentist Help Me Stop Snoring?

Your dentist may be able to help you sleep and breathe at night by providing you with an Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT). A custom-made mouthpiece can keep your airway open throughout the night. Come to Premier Dental Esthetics and we would be happy to discuss ways to effectively treat your sleep apnea in Arcadia. We also offer services such as dental implants, and gum disease treatment.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California

Clean Teeth, Happy Mouth

Good dental health means having healthy teeth and gums. Maintaining it is something that you have to work at every day. Dental hygiene can be a real balancing act: using the right oral care products, your personal oral care habits, and seeing the dentist at Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia twice a year.

Your dental health strategy should include:

  • Daily brushing and flossing. You should brush and floss twice a day. Just before bedtime is especially important, because it cleans out the germs and plaque that build up during the course of the day.
  • Proper brushing. It’s important not only to brush, but to brush properly. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush in a gentle, circular motion along the gum line. Take your time; a minimum of two minutes is recommended. Don’t forget to brush your tongue!
  • Using fluoridated toothpaste. There is a myriad of choices when it comes to toothpaste. Whether you prefer mint flavored or bubble gum, fluoride is the most important consideration. It is your best defense against cavities.
  • Limiting sugary and acidic foods. Acidic fruits, teas, and coffee contributes to enamel erosion. Sugar converts into acid when it’s in your mouth. You don’t have to avoid these foods entirely, but choose carefully and minimize.
  • Seeing the dentist twice a year. You saw this one coming, right? Your daily dental health care habits are essential, but so is the attention and care of a dentist. A professional teeth cleaning alone is worth the trip, but we can also identify issues before they become serious, and treat them.

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia, we promote good dental hygiene, and are committed to the dental health of each one of our patients. Our services include restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Call today to schedule your next cleaning and checkup.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California

Filtered Water And Oral Health

Filtered Arcadia Water And Oral Health

A simple way to choose beverages that won’t harm your teeth is to keep it simple and make water your go-to drink. For many reasons, some people choose to drink bottled water or filter it themselves at home. But a word of caution from the dentist at Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia CA: filtered water can be bad for your dental health if it doesn’t contain fluoride, which helps to prevent tooth decay.

If you choose bottled water and are wondering if any naturally occurring fluoride has been removed, you can check the label. If you prefer to filter your own tap water, look to see if the American Dental Association has given the filter its seal of approval.

Water filters that carry the ADA seal don’t remove fluoride, so you can be sure that the fluoride is still in your water and benefitting your teeth.

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia CA, the dental health of each of our patients is our top priority. Our services include family and cosmetic dentistry. Schedule your next checkup with us today.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


ArticleID 4456

Premier Dental Esthetics Has A Solution For Dental Anxiety

Oral Conscious SedationSome of our patients at Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia experience severe anxiety when undergoing dental treatment. With sedation dentistry, it is possible for them to get the dental treatment  they need.

You may want to consider sedation dentistry if you have any of the following issues:

  • Strong gag reflex
  • Fear of needles
  • Sensitive teeth
  • Fear and anxiety associated with dental treatment
  • Difficulty getting numb
  • A history of negative dental experiences
  • Trouble controlling body movement due to Parkinson’s disease, Cerebral Palsy or related condition
  • Need extensive dental treatment requiring lengthy dental visits

We provide three sedation dentistry options. You might consider each one a little stronger than the one preceding it.

  • Nitrous Oxide. Commonly known as laughing gas, it is administered through a mask (as in the accompanying photo). Nitrous gives patients a giddy, relaxed feeling. It may or may not make you laugh. It’s been used in dentistry for more than a century, to great effect. It works quickly and wears off quickly.
  • Oral Conscious Sedation. This involves taking a sedative an hour or so before your appointment. As its name implies, you’ll remain awake during your procedure. But you will be extremely relaxed. Most patients are largely unaware of what is going on around them. You’ll need someone to drive you home when your appointment is over.
  • IV Sedation. Administered intravenously, IV sedation is very powerful. Most patients stay awake during their procedure, but are not very alert. It is the strongest option we have. You’ll need a ride home afterward. Plan on taking the rest of the day off.

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia, we want our patients to get the dental care they need in order to have healthy teeth and gums. In addition to sedation, we provide family dentistry and many other services.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


ArticleID 611

The Importance of Six Month Checkups

When you leave Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia CA after a cleaning and checkup, our front desk always makes sure to schedule your next appointment with us, six months down the road. Is that really necessary? Isn’t having the dentist look inside your mouth once a year enough?

The short answer is: no. An unfortunate reality of dental health is that it doesn’t take very long for new problems to appear, and the sooner we identify and treat them, the better. You don’t want to give a cavity an extra six months to eat away at the enamel of your teeth.

We understand that no one really likes going to the dentist. Even when you’re confident that your teeth are in great shape, do you really want to sit for an hour while a hygienist pokes and scrapes your teeth and gum line?

But as the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Benjamin Franklin said that more than two hundred years ago, and it’s as true now as it was in his day. If you don’t have cleanings and checkups on a regular basis, you’re gambling with your dental health – and that can result in other health complications.

By now, we think you get the point. But here are three very good reasons to see us every six months:

  • Plaque and tarter. Even brushing and flossing twice a day won’t get everything. There are areas that simply won’t be reached. Plaque and tartar has a way of settling into those areas, and should be removed frequently.
  • Bad habits. When you see us on a regular basis, we have the chance to identify new problems that may appear. Additional stress in life may lead to teeth grinding or jaw clenching; the early stages of gum disease, not noticeable six months ago, may be plain to see. No matter the issue, early detection and early treatment are the best ways to treat it.
  • Oral cancer check. You don’t have to be a smoker to get oral cancer, although tobacco use increases your risk. Once again, the sooner it is found, the better the chances of successful treatment and recovery.

During those six months between cleanings and checkups, remember to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. And mark your calendar; your next checkup will be here before you know it.

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia CA, we provide general and cosmetic dentistry.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


Terrific Tooth Tips From Premier Dental Esthetics

cost of dental crowns Pasadena

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia, we like to share useful information about dentistry to help each of our patients maintain dental health. So without further ado, here are some useful and terrific tooth tips.

  1. If you have kids and your municipal water supply does not have the recommended level of fluoride, talk to your pediatrician about fluoride supplements. Fluoride strengthens both the teeth you can see and the ones still forming in the jaw.
  2. Set a timer when you brush to make sure you spend at least two minutes thoroughly (but gently!) cleaning all surfaces. Don’t forget your tongue—it provides a cozy home for bacteria to flourish.
  3. Floss before you brush so that tooth bristles can better reach between teeth.
  4. If you can’t brush after a meal, chew some sugarless gum with xylitol. Xylitol may curb the growth of bacteria on your teeth to reduce plaque formation.
  5. Eat carbohydrates with meals instead of alone as snacks. More saliva is generated while eating a meal and this can lessen the effects of carbs sitting on your teeth.
  6. An oral fluoride rinse used right before bedtime adds an extra measure of decay deterrence. Fluoride rinses (not traditional mouthwash) work best when swished over teeth for at least thirty seconds after flossing and brushing. After spitting it out, don’t rinse with water. Let the residue protect and strengthen your enamel all night long. This is especially important for kids – just make sure they don’t swallow it.
  7. If you have diabetes, it is important to understand that unhealthy blood sugar levels can increase your risk of tooth decay and gum disease. We can help you maintain oral health in spite of this condition.
  8. Beware of the dental risks of chronic dry mouth (xerostomia). Continual saliva production is essential for keeping the mouth lubricated, washing the food from tooth surfaces, and neutralizing the acid caused by plaque. Decongestants, blood pressure medications, antidepressants, and painkillers are some of the medications that can cause dry mouth. We can help you protect your teeth if you live with this unpleasant condition.
  9. Wearing a mouth guard when you participate in sports can prevent tooth injury.

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia, we provide family and cosmetic dentistry. Schedule your next cleaning and checkup with us today.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


ArticleID 6515

Beware of Hidden Sugar

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia CA, we counsel our dental patients to watch their sugar intake to prevent cavities and other health troubles.

If you are trying to de-sugar your diet, you are probably skipping the usual suspects: candy, soda, and baked treats. But not all sugar is as conspicuous as the frosting on a piece of chocolate cake or the powdery stuff in pixie stix.

Here are some foods found in grocery stores and school cafeterias with a surprisingly high sugar content:

  • Ketchup
  • Low fat versions of snack foods (Manufacturers often replace fat with sugar.)
  • Salad dressing
  • Breads, buns, rolls
  • Spaghetti sauce
  • Protein bars
  • Granola
  • Canned soup
  • Peanut butter
  • Yogurt
  • Fast food meals (Hamburgers, fries, sandwiches, and salads are often loaded with sugar, not to mention the dessert items.)
  • Antacids
  • Cough drops
  • Fruit smoothies (Even a small serving has a whopping amount of sugar.)

Reading the fine print on labels is a must. The following terms are all types of sugar:

raw sugar, cane sugar, glucose, lactose, galactose, fructose, dextrose, honey, sorghum, molasses, cane sugar, confectioner’s sugar, crystallized cane juice, invert sugar, maltodextrin (or dextrin), maple syrup, concentrated fruit juices, evaporated cane juice

Do the math: when shopping at markets or health food stores, carefully assess food labels before you buy. Four grams of sugar equals one teaspoon. Add up all the grams of every type of sugar listed and divide by four to truly comprehend how much sugar an item contains.

At Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia CA, we advocate and practice preventative care for lifelong dental health. We offer family and cosmetic dentistry.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California

Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS Works To Earn Your Trust

Premier Dental Esthetics - Peter S. Young, DDS in ArcadiaHello! I’m Dr. Peter Young, DDS, of Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia. I have been practicing general and cosmetic dentistry since 1997. Dentistry is a challenging and fascinating profession; dentists must have diagnostic skills, dexterity, extensive scientific knowledge, and good visual memory. Dentistry also requires artistic ability. In addition to the technical aspects of dentistry, I really enjoy interacting with my Arcadia dental patients.

I recognize that my patients have other choices in Pasadena area dental practices, and I work continually to earn their trust and surpass their expectations.

Each dental patient is unique. Many of my patients come in twice-yearly for an exam and cleaning. We help them maintain excellent oral health. Some San Gabriel cosmetic dentistry patients come to me seeking major restorative dental work. It is extremely gratifying to complete a smile makeover and see the patient’s reaction when they see their new smile for the first time.

When I have a pre-treatment consultation with a new South Temple City patient, it is very informative for both of us. The patient learns the specifics about the possible procedures and I learn about the patient’s goals, concerns and expectations. Then I work with the patient to develop a dental treatment plan that fits the patient’s needs, desired outcome and budget.

My dental practice is located at 301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217 in Arcadia. If you are looking for an experienced dentist in the Pasadena area, call 626-445-2536 to schedule a consultation.

I look forward to meeting with you.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California