The Dangers of Mercury Dentistry

If you have ever heard of a “silver” filling, then you already know a little bit about the uses of mercury in dentistry. The accurate term for “silver” fillings is dental amalgam fillings. These fillings are some of the strongest and longest lasting options on the market, but there are a few things you probably don’t know about them.

The Dangers of Mercury Dentistry

These fillings only contain a very small percentage of silver. In total, a dental amalgam filling is actually about 50% mercury while the rest of the material is made from a mixture of silver, copper, and tin. This composition is leading a lot of people to question the safety of using dental amalgam fillings.

A Look at Mercury

Mercury is a naturally existing element that can be found in three different forms. The form found in amalgam fillings we know as elemental mercury. It’s a metallic form of the element, and it’s actually a liquid at room temperature.

Unfortunately, mercury can also prove highly toxic if you find yourself exposed to it over time. Recent research shows that dental amalgam fillings may expose patients to low levels of mercury vapor over the years. While the FDA has not seen fit to pull amalgam fillings off the market yet, they do recommend that high-risk patients should choose mercury-free options.

  • High-risk patients include:
  • Children under six
  • Pregnant women
  • Nursing mothers
  • People with neurological impairment
  • People with kidney dysfunction
  • Anyone sensitive to metals including mercury, silver, tin, and copper

Current Research and Existing Fillings

Most Americans have a measurable amount of mercury in their blood and urine. But scientists have yet to establish a truly safe level of exposure. In cases of over-exposure, there could exist neurological damage. Additionally health complications affecting the kidneys and upper respiratory tract can appear. Until we better understand what level of elemental mercury exposure is safe, it may be in your best interest to choose a mercury-free dentist in Arcadia.

As of now, the FDA does not recommend having undamaged dental amalgam fillings replaced. Doing so could damage the remaining structure of your teeth. And it may actually expose you to a temporary increase in elemental mercury vapor. Instead, the FDA suggests keeping undamaged dental amalgam fillings in place. From then, choose mercury-free options for any future fillings if concerned.

Mercury Free Options

Fortunately, there are plenty of filling options that don’t contain any mercury. If it turns out you need a filling at any point in the future, your dentist in Arcadia will be more than happy to talk you through all of their mercury-free choices.

Three of the most popular are:

  • Composite fillings: Composite fillings come from an acrylic resin. They can look just like your natural tooth. They are not as strong as dental amalgam. But you can still expect them to last between 5 and 7 years with regular care.
  • Gold fillings: Gold fillings are pricey and definitely stand out. However, they are also the most durable option. With appropriate care you can expect a gold filling to last as long as twenty years.
  • Ceramic fillings: Ceramic fillings are often the most expensive filling option available. They prove a bit more durable than composite fillings and can color-match to your teeth. You will have to make sure you only receive a ceramic filling. It proves common to bond them with silver amalgam for even greater strength.

The Current Situation

As of now, the safety of dental amalgam fillings is still being evaluated. It may be years before we understand whether they are entirely safe or not. In the meantime, cautious patients should choose mercury-free options to avoid potential health risks down the road.

The Ideal Oral Health Routine

Research has shown the profound impact your oral health can have on your overall health. Because of this, it is important to maintain a consistent daily oral care routine, in addition to visiting the dentist regularly. Below you will find the ideal oral health routine so you can keep your oral health in top shape.

The Ideal Oral Health Routine

It is recommended that you brush your teeth at least twice a day. It is best to brush your teeth after every meal as leftover food debris can get locked into the hard-to-reach places in your mouth. This can result in tooth decay if not taken care of. Proper brushing includes using a soft-bristled toothbrush for at least two minutes. You should brush your entire tooth (inside, outside, and the bite area) in circular motions, in addition to your tongue and the roof of your mouth.

Using a toothpaste with fluoride can help keep tooth decay at bay. So talk with your dentist about which toothpaste is right for your unique needs. In addition to brushing you should floss at least once a day. If you only floss once a day you should floss at night. This can help remove the harmful bacteria and any leftover debris from eating before you sleep for the next 8 hours.

While your daily oral care routine is highly important, you should also regularly visit the dentist. It is recommended that you get a dental checkup at least every six months. If you have a history of tooth decay or other oral health issues you may need to go more often. It is important to follow your dentist’s recommendations in terms of how frequently you should visit the dentist.

Tips to Improve Your Oral Health

While your daily oral care routine and dental checkups are important when it comes to your ideal daily oral health routine, you can do a number of things to improve your oral health. Consider implementing the following tips to ensure your oral health stays in good shape.

  • Brush Before Bed: The germs and plaque that build up during the day can harm your teeth. If you only brush twice a day, be sure and brush before you go to bed.
  • Add Mouthwash: You should brush your teeth after every meal, but sometimes this may not be possible. Mouthwash can help remove harmful debris from your mouth and freshen up your breath until you can brush. While mouthwash should not be a substitute for brushing, talk with your dentist about what type is right for you and add it to your daily oral care routine.
  • Increase Your Water Intake: Drinking more water is beneficial for your oral and overall health. In fact, it is recommended that you drink a glass of water after every meal. This can help flush out any leftover food.
  • Increase Fruits and Veggies: Crunchy fruits and vegetables can help clean your teeth. This is because they cover a lot of surface area on your teeth when you chew them. They also are filled with a lot of water which can help scrub away harmful bacteria.
  • Reduce Sugar Intake: Sugary foods are harmful to your oral health as they turn acidic and erode the enamel of your teeth. This can eventually lead to tooth decay. So it’s important to eat sugar in moderation.

Preventative Dentistry in Arcadia

Preventative dentistry in Arcadia is crucial to the longevity of your oral health. This includes regular checkups with the dentist as they can monitor your oral health. The team at Premier Dental Aesthetics are skilled in preventative and cosmetic dentistry in Arcadia. They offer a wide variety of services and have been serving the community for years. Contact their office today to schedule an appointment!

Can I Wait to Treat a Tooth Infection

A tooth infection is a medical issue that needs to be addressed due to the nature of its ability to spread. Tooth infections often start out as what may seem to be a harmless toothache. However, a toothache can turn into a tooth infection quickly if left untreated. A tooth infection is referred to as a dental abscess and can be hazardous for your health if it’s not treated immediately. Other words, do not wait to treat a tooth infection.

Can I Wait to Treat a Tooth Infection: Tooth Infection Symptoms

Tooth infections start when bacteria get into your teeth through cracks or cavities. Below are some of the common symptoms of a tooth infection. If you experience any of these, make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible.

  • Sensitivity to pressure or temperature
  • Throbbing in the tooth or jawbone area
  • Tooth or jaw pain
  • Cheek swelling
  • Fever

If left untreated, a tooth infection can spread to other parts of your body which can cause major issues. This can be serious and even life-threatening if not taken care of. Below are some of the symptoms that should alert you that your tooth infection has spread.

  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Fever
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Flushed skin
  • Facial swelling
  • Dehydration
  • Increased heart rate
  • Diarrhea or vomiting

Can I Wait to Treat a Tooth Infection: Dangers of Untreated Tooth Infections

Leaving a tooth infection untreated is problematic and can cause more health concerns than just your tooth. Below are some of the common dangers that can occur if you leave your tooth infection untreated.

  • Tooth Loss: If you get treated early you can save your tooth. Root canal therapy and a crown can allow your natural tooth to remain in your mouth. However, the infection can cause tooth loss if you are not careful and fail to get treatment early on.
  • Bone Infection: A tooth infection can impact and infect the surrounding bone area in your jaw and face. Facial bones are not equipped to withstand an infection long term.
  • Septicemia: This occurs when your blood becomes infected by the tooth infection. This is highly dangerous and requires hospitalization.

Root Canal Treatment Arcadia

Your dentist will likely do whatever possible to save your natural tooth. However, some infected teeth cannot stay in your mouth as they could cause more harm. With that, your dentist may need to perform a root canal to ensure that the infection does not spread to the rest of your body. Root canals sound much worse than they are, and it is an important treatment option that can help keep you healthy. Oftentimes the procedure is painless, and the recovery time is fairly fast. This is especially true if you have a skilled dental professional with experience.

Preventative Care

Avoiding dental issues is beneficial for your dental and overall health. It’s important to focus on preventative measures to ensure optimal oral health. This includes brushing at least twice a day for two minutes with a soft-bristled toothbrush and toothpaste with fluoride. You should also floss at least once a day and use mouthwash with fluoride to further protect your enamel. Lastly, you should be visiting the dentist at least every six months. This is vital for your oral health, heart health, and overall health. Talk with your doctor as you may need to visit more often, depending on your unique dental needs.

Dentists Near Arcadia

If you think you have a tooth infection and need treatment, contact Premier Dental Esthetics. Their dentists can provide you with the best care possible and ensure you get the right treatments for your unique dental needs. Their goal is to get you back to health quickly and effectively. Contact their office and make an appointment today!

What Does Fluoride Do For Teeth?

Having a healthy, beautiful, bright, and confident smile is something everyone wants. One of the biggest factors in having a confident smile is your oral care routine. Brushing, flossing, using mouthwash, and attending your regular dental checkups are all a huge part of a healthy oral care routine. However, it should also include fluoride for optimal oral health. What does fluoride do for teeth exactly?

Many toothpastes and mouthwashes come with fluoride in them. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that in the earth’s crust. Because of this, it can also be found in your tap water and many other foods and drinks. If you wonder why this mineral is the key to your oral health, you are not alone. Many people think it’s just a synthetic part of the recipe for toothpaste. However, the mineral has been widely researched and can even reduce the risk of tooth decay. The American Dental Association and the American Medical Association have endorsed fluoride in water supplies because of its effect on tooth decay. It often referred to as nature’s “cavity fighter.”

Safety and Fluoride

If you are a parent, you likely are concerned about everything that goes into your child’s body. You have completely warranted and understandable concerns. Dentists and researchers have found that fluoride is safe and effective when used properly and in appropriate doses. Overuse is possible in children, and decades of research have shown that it is related to a condition called dental fluorosis. This condition occurs when children are exposed to too much fluoride. This can occur if they swallow too much fluoride toothpaste when they are brushing unsupervised at a young age. Monitoring their brushing when they are young is essential to keep them safe from overexposure.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have confirmed the safety and benefits of fluoride-based on significant, extended research. When consumed correctly, there is no scientific evidence of adverse health effects. Most people get their fluoride through household tap water and dental products like toothpaste and mouthwash. However, there are professional fluoride treatments that can be administered by a dental professional.

Benefits of What Does Fluoride Do for Teeth

Fluoride can strengthen teeth in both children and adults in multiple ways. First, when you consume fluoride in food or drinks, it becomes a part of the saliva and helps strengthen teeth from the outside. This helps reduce the breakdown and damage of tooth enamel. Second, and specifically related to children, when they eat or drink fluoride, it enters the bloodstream and becomes a part of the development of their permanent teeth. Lastly, when you use toothpaste or mouthwash with fluoride, your teeth absorb the fluoride, strengthening your enamel. These benefits help keep teeth strong and prevent future cavities and tooth sensitivity.

Fluoride Treatment

Fluoride treatments can further benefit and strengthen your teeth. A fluoride treatment in Arcadia is applied by a dental professional in the form of a varnish. Dentists often recommend fluoride treatments after a professional cleaning. The effects can last up to 60- to 90-days and can help reduce the risks of tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth sensitivity. Talk with your dentist to see if this is something that is right for you or your child.

Fluoride Treatments at Premier Dental Esthetics

If you are considering a fluoride treatment or want to discuss what does fluoride do for teeth with a dental professional, contact Premier Dental Esthetics to experience a top dentist in Arcadia. Their dentists can help with setting up a visit to see if it is right for you. If you are struggling with your oral care routine, you can also set up a regular dental check-in and cleaning to get back on track. Contact their office and make an appointment today!

7 Ways To Fix A Tooth

fix broken tooth ArcadiaIn a perfect world, each of your precious teeth would stay healthy, strong, and brilliantly white throughout your life. The truth is, however, that most people will need to restore a tooth at some point. At Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS in Arcadia, we can help restore your teeth.

Tooth decay, enamel erosion, a chip or crack, gum disease, or injury can affect your teeth. Sometimes old restorations break and need to be replaced or root canals performed decades ago develop an abscess.

Here are 7 different options for repairing a damaged tooth:

Dental Bonding

We use bonding, officially called direct composite veneers, to fix minor cosmetic troubles – small chips, cracks, discoloration, and spaces between teeth. Our skilled cosmetic dentist will apply moldable tooth-colored composite resin and shapes as desired. We then cure the resin with a special light to harden and adhere tightly to the tooth. Composite bonding is ordinarily the most economical option for improving healthy teeth with minor cosmetic issues.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are wafer-thin tooth-shaped fronts that are pvermanently bonded to your natural teeth. We use them when the underlying tooth is structurally sound and free of cavities. A beautiful veneer can cover a chip or crack or correct the alignment of a tooth that appears slightly off kilter as compared to surrounding teeth.


Modern white fillings are strong and inconspicuous. When we fill your teeth, we prefer to create a minimally invasive filling which leaves you with more of nature’s ideal dental material — your own enamel and dentin. We can also replace old amalgam fillings with white fillings. This makes your teeth look a lot better every time you open your mouth. Get rid of all that metal!

Inlays and Onlays

We create traditional fillings by shaping and molding it after it is applied to the tooth. Our dental lab will create inlays and onlays, which are frequently called indirect fillings. We can use an inlay or onlay instead of a traditional filling or, in some cases, a crown. We will apply inlays to just the center of the biting surface of a tooth (not to a cusp or point) and they are typically smaller than onlays. An onlay restores one or more cusps of a tooth.


A crown replaces the entire visible portion of the tooth, restoring appearance, durability, and function. If you have a root canal, you may need a crown. We will attach a crown to an abutment as the  final step of a tooth implant procedure.

Soft Tissue Grafts

Gum recession puts teeth and underlying bone at risk. Soft tissue grafting can cover the exposed root of a tooth to prohibit further damage. We can also perform gum surgery for cosmetic reasons such as reshaping a gumline to eliminate a “gummy” smile.

Dental Implants

Sometimes we have to extract a tooth because it is beyond saving. For many patients, a dental implant anchored into the bone is the ideal solution. A tooth implant consists of a strong metal post (artificial root), abutment (connecting piece), and beautiful crown. A dental implant has many advantages over a dental bridge. They are stronger, provide virtually natural function, prohibit bone recession, and do not influence the surrounding teeth. For patients with multiple missing teeth, customized implant-anchored dentures can be designed in any configuration necessary.

The team at Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia would love to talk to you about bonding, veneers, dental restorative work, and other smile makeover possibilities. We offer general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, family dentistry, orthodontics and a long list of other procedures. Call us today for an appointment.


Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


The Benefits of Laser Dentistry

At Premier Dental Esthetics - Peter S. Young, DDS You

At Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS, our patients are treated like family.

You know what puts a smile on my face? When I use advanced cosmetic dentistry to create a dazzling smile transformation for one of my patients.

Our team can guarantee you quality preventative, restorative, general, and cosmetic dental care.

Laser Dentistry

Let’s discuss laser dentistry. It may sound scary, but laser dentistry provides a fantastic alternative to drills. Many services performed with lasers don’t require patients to be medicated, allowing for quicker healing times.

Less Stress

Many patients become distressed while waiting for a shot of painkiller before a dental procedure. Laser dentistry allows for a more relaxed, less stressful dental visit. My patients also appreciate going home without a numb mouth or drool dripping down their chin.

People in need of oral surgery will experience less bleeding thanks to laser dentistry. Some of the procedures that are performed with lasers are:

  • infected root canal treatment,
  • gum and bone reshaping,
  • wisdom teeth extraction, and
  • teeth whitening.

At Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS in Arcadia, we offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry procedures, as well as family dentistry. Schedule an appointment with us today.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


ArticleID 4274

Suspect You Might Have Sleep Apnea?

oral appliance for sleep apnea Arcadia

Do you think you might have sleep apnea? If so, we encourage you to schedule an exam with your doctor right away. Depending on the outcome of that, sleep apnea treatment is available here at Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia.

Sleep apnea is a serious, potentially life-threatening condition.

Does your bed partner tell you that you frequently stop breathing during the night? What if you sleep alone? Here are some signs that you may have sleep apnea:

  • Loud snoring
  • Abrupt awakenings
  • Difficulty staying asleep
  • Frequently being tired during the day
  • Waking with a dry mouth
  • Headaches, especially in the morning after awakening
  • Difficulty concentrating

Recurring interruptions in breathing during sleep deprives the brain of oxygen. When the brain is not getting enough oxygen, the heart slows down. When breathing resumes, the heart goes into panic mode to push the oxygen to the brain. Then the cycle repeats itself many times an hour each and every night. This stop-and-start action is dangerous for every organ in the body.

A device called Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) is the best-known treatment for sleep apnea. Many people have never heard of any other treatments.

An alternative called Oral Appliance Therapy (OAT)  can be an effective treatment for obstructive sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea treatment is available here at Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia. To begin, download and fill out our sleep history form. Then schedule an appointment right away!

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


ArticleID 7586

Are You At Risk For Bone Recession?

dental bone grafting Arcadia

We all know that a healthy smile requires decay-free teeth and healthy gums, but how often do we appreciate our jaw bone? Our teeth need a strong firm foundation to remain healthy and beautiful. This post from Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia looks at bone recession.

Occasionally, a patient experiences bone recession in their jaw which can cause tooth loss and other problems. However, it is ordinarily the other way around. The bone loss occurs as a result of a lost tooth. When a tooth and its root is lost, the blood supply and stimulus required for maintaining healthy bone is taken away.

Let’s look at the most common causes of jaw bone recession:

Extracted Teeth
Bone is living tissue and needs stimulation to stay healthy and retain its size and density. Biting, chewing, talking and all the other normal mouth functions keep the portion of the bone surrounding the tooth root healthy. When a tooth is extracted, the bone that used to anchor the tooth root recedes as if it understands that it is no longer needed. A dental implant provides stimulation similar to the natural tooth and can prevent bone recession.

Gum Infection
A gum infection can result when gum inflammation goes untreated and progresses to periodontitis. With periodontitis, the gums pull away from the teeth creating pockets which provide the perfect breeding ground for the detrimental infection.

Gum infections can progress undetected, though there are usually warning signs. Swollen, painful gums, loose teeth, and gums that bleed when brushed are symptoms of periodontitis. The infection dissolves bone as the gums pull away from the tooth. Inadequate oral hygiene increases the risk of gum disease but other factors can compromise gum health. These include smoking (no surprise here), hormone levels, diseases that lower immune system effectiveness, medications that cause dry mouth, and genetic predisposition.

Abscessed Tooth
An abscess is a pus-filled pocket of infection that occurs in the nerve and roots of a tooth. As the infection attacks the tooth and bone tissue it creates a space that fills with pus. There are several treatments for a tooth abscess including antibiotics to kill the infection, a root canal, or extraction, if needed.

If you would like to replace a missing tooth with a dental implant, but don’t have enough bone at the implant site, you might be a candidate for bone grafting. Bone grafting may sound like major oral surgery but it is really a routine procedure. Call us at Premier Dental Esthetics in Arcadia. Services include family dentistry. Make an appointement today!

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California


ArticleID 7006

Replace Those Old Silver Fillings

white fillings Arcadia

Do you recall what your teeth looked like before you had your first cavity? When you opened your mouth to laugh or yawn, others would only see pearly white molar surfaces. Well, unless, of course, you had been munching on Oreos (LOL). Even if you’ve had a cavity (or cavities), our team at Premier Dental Esthetics, your leading general and cosmetic dentistry provider in the Arcadia, California area, believes that it’s time to move on from those old-school silver amalgam fillings that many family dentists relied on back in the day. Tooth-colored fillings that match your natural teeth are the best option.

If you are like many people, you started developing tooth decay fairly young and started receiving those ubiquitous silver eyesores.  As the years passed, two fillings became three, then three fillings may have become four. Now when you open wide, others see a mouthful of metal.

Fortunately, people with silver amalgam fillings can regain the smile of their youth. The replacement of silver fillings with composite tooth-colored fillings is a relatively inexpensive cosmetic dental procedure available at Premier Dental Esthetics that can transform your smile just as dramatically as more extensive cosmetic dental treatments. Composite fillings are fabricated with a mixture of glass or quartz and resin which results in a natural tooth-colored material. They are quite durable when bonded to the tooth with adhesive.

Hopefully, you don’t have a new cavity; but if you do, you can get a white composite filling. In addition to the cosmetic benefits over silver, they require the removal of less healthy tooth structure. If you would like to improve your smile by replacing silver-mercury fillings, please call us at Premier Dental Esthetics to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation in the Arcadia, California area today.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California

The Royalty Treatment at Premier Dental Esthetics

dental crown in Arcadia

When Dr. Peter Young crowns one of our patients, the coronation is a celebration of a stronger smile. The necessity of a dental crown in Arcadia is usually readily apparent. Based on how much tooth is available to hold in a filling, sometimes a crown is needed to add more support and to keep the tooth from falling apart or breaking. Crowns are also necessary as a sturdy support for dental bridges. A dental crown in Arcadia restores your tooth to normal shape, size and strength, and allows it to resume its proper place as a team player with the other teeth.

Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS, located at 301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217 in Arcadia, California 91007, opened their doors in 1997 and has been serving patients throughout California with extraordinary efficiency, expertise and personal attention since 1997. You could be our next royal to smile and wave for the paparazzi.

Consult with Dr. Young to find out if you are a candidate for state-of-the-art restorative procedures meant to increase the life of your precious permanent teeth such as a fabulous dental crown in Arcadia. Keep in mind that crowns come in a variety of strong, reliable materials. Matching the natural color of your teeth increases the beauty of your smile. Gold crowns are incredibly strong and have the “bling” factor, but there are certainly other options.

In addition to restorative services, we would love to talk to you about cleanings, cosmetic services, teeth whitening, braces, veneers, and other smile makeover possibilities. We are equipped to offer general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, family dentistry, orthodontics and a long list of other procedures. Schedule your visit today with our comprehensive staff at 626-445-2536. A crown can return your tooth to all its former glory as a smiling, glowing, expert chewing machine.

Contact Premier Dental Esthetics – Peter S. Young, DDS:


Location (Tap to open in Google Maps):

301 W Huntington Dr. Ste 217
Arcadia, California